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PLM / BOM / PCB Part list program (Part No:287) Part List Builder, Software for managing BOM Part list, Exporting them to excel

SWD Serie

PLM / BOM / PCB Part list program (Part No:287)

Part List Builder
Software for managing BOM Part list,
Exporting them to excel


  • Doc 287-170503UK.pdf

  • Component Database,
    list of components and where to buy them
  • Partlist Relation Tree
  • Handling Different versions of the same Partlist
  • Follow the history of a Partlist / Component
  • Comparing Partlists
  • Calculating part price
  • Link to key folder, by click on the line
    ex."data\287" for storing datashets,etc. -
    "287\index.jpg" Image is converted in to 3 sizes
    "287\160912" Version folder for storing pcbs,programs
    "287\WebData" folder for homapage Data.
  • Import csv from extern program
  • Designing view by macro, custom Columns
  • Export Partlist to excel
  • Export WebData to homepage
  • Super user pincode
    There are 2 pincodes, one for setup and one for superusers.
  • Build on Access 2003 database (data.mdb)

Excel export example


  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
  • Excel 2003 or newer


Extract the zip file and run PartListBuilder.exe
Version X.X.X.XL is Limit to 100 components

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