Meld Homepage , Electronic PCB PCBA , Software .NET AVR PLM BOM , Network TCP UDP MQTT , Microcontrollers AVR ARM , Powersupplys Switchmode , Nursecall MC5000 CD2000

2024-11-22 11:20 PCBA Order
500pcs High Power Direction Light
Aluminum PCB

2024-11-15 11:20 PCBA Order
Version 3C

2024-07-08 08:44 PCBA Order
Production time 6 days incl. DHL
I'm working on version 3B of the oxygen / NOX measure instrumen,
2 x can interface and 2 x 4-20mA output and a oxigen sensor.

2024-05-15 10:16 PCBA Order
Fastest order ever, 5pcs
it only took 3 days + 3 days DHL
I'm working on version 3A of the oxygen measure instrumen.

2023-09-11 10:16 3D Print Order
Gearwheel in stainless steel
for sunroof
made in FreeCAD.

2023-07-20 09:24 PCBA Order
500pcs High Power Direction Light
Aluminum PCB

2023-06-12 09:31 Doc
Export to Excel XLS, MeldcoBiffView

2023-05-19 10:04 PCBA Order
300pcs LGCont1.
300pcs LGLaser1.
500pcs WC6.

2023-04-04 09:58 PCBA Order
500pcs WC6.

2023-03-23 10:15 PCBA Order
400pcs LGLaser1.

2022-09-16 09:35 New Product
Legrand Pull Switch.

2022-09-14 09:50 Some more PCBS:
Legrand Pull Switch.
STM32 Demo Board.
Display Test.

2022-05-25 10:37 PCBA Order
500pcs LGGps1 PCB.

2022-05-03 07:34 Another Huge PCBA Order
1500pcs LGCont1 PCB.
500pcs LGLed1 PCB.
1000pcs LGLaser1 PCB.
1200pcs WC6 PCB.

2022-04-19 10:26 PCBA Order
500pcs High Power Direction Light

2022-02-03 10:07 Huge PCBA Order
2000pcs WC6 PCB.
1000pcs LGCont1 PCB.
1000pcs LGLaser1 PCB.

2021-12-17 14:17 PCBA Project
1000pcs Radar sensor IF.

2021-11-08 10:50 PCBA 5 Projects one BOX
500pcs WC6 PCB.
200pcs LGCont1 PCB.
100pcs LGGps1 PCB.
100pcs LGLaser1 PCB.
100pcs LGLed1 PCB.

2021-11-01 09:50 PCBA order
25pcs Garage control.

2021-08-09 14:25 PCBA order New Factory
400pcs LGCont1 PCB.
500pcs WC6 PCB.

2021-08-09 08:37 PCBA order 400pcs
Laser Sensor PCB.

2021-06-25 17:41 PCBA order 200pcs
Mobile toilet control. Can Bus.

2021-05-25 10:04 PCBA order
100pcs GPS PCB.

2021-05-12 14:24 PCBA order
300pcs Laser Sensor PCB.
100pcs LED PCB.
400pcs Cont. Can Bus PCB.
250pcs IO PCB.

2021-03-24 10:53 PCBA order 100pcs
Laser Sensor Can Bus.

2021-02-12 09:01 Doc
Tool for Converting Access database to SQLite database

2021-02-01 09:33 PCBA order 10,250,10pcs
Laser Sensor.
Mobile toilet control. Can Bus

2021-01-22 14:43 Dual PCBA order 2x500pcs:
High Power Direction Light
Radar sensor IF.

2020-11-13 08:19 PCBA demo order 1pcs:
GPS Module With Clock

2020-11-05 18:30 PCBA demo order 10pcs:
Mobile toilet control. Can Bus

2020-10-27 09:11 PCBA demo order 10pcs:
Mobile toilet control. Can Bus

2020-10-26 08:35 Complex PCBA demo order,
Double side SMD and v-cut.
10pcs: Laser Sensor.

2020-09-09 12:37 Dual PCBA demo order 2x10pcs:
Laser Sensor.
Laser Control Can Bus.

2020-08-05 09:35 Drawed a window in Freecad an got it made in china,
have made the oppersit in the cnc machine, it fits :-)

2020-08-03 08:54 Dual PCBA demo order 2x10pcs:
Laser Sensor.
Mobile toilet control.

2020-06-25 10:07 PCBA order 25pcs:
Garage control.

2020-05-21 08:57 PCBA order 250pcs:
Mobile toilet control.

2020-04-15 09:43 PCBA order 50pcs:
Mobile toilet control.

2020-04-14 09:43 PCBA order 50pcs:
Mobile toilet control.

2020-03-31 11:16 PCBA order 100pcs:
Mobile toilet control.
It took 2 month, first order after China Corona shutdown

2020-02-14 13:33 Doc
Have moved
from Windows IIS ASP.NET
and rewritten it to
Debian Linux Node.js
See also: P2V Windows To Linux

2020-01-15 11:14 New Demo PCBA

2019-12-02 09:10 Dual PCBA order 2x10pcs
I2C Switch
Mobile toilet control.

2019-11-29 09:32 New Panel Green ENIG Gold A4
PCB Panel max size rule of thumb
Small standard Panel A4
Large Panel like A3 Paper

2019-11-18 11:42 New Version.

2019-11-12 08:12 Something new to play with :-)

2019-10-22 10:05 My new Server run Linux Debian 10 Buster Stable XFCE Doc
My new Server run Linux Debian 10 Buster Stable XFCE

2019-10-04 10:19 PCBA demo:
Mobile toilet light control.
I2C Switch

2019-09-03 08:10 PCBA demo order 10pcs:
Mobile toilet light control.
Production time 14 days and that includes PCB, Stencil, Component Sourcing, PCBA, Test, DHL

2019-09-02 15:00 PCBA order 500pcs:
High Power Direction Light
Aluminum PCB
Production time 18 days and that includes AL PCB, Stencil, Component Sourcing, PCBA, Wires, Test, DHL

2019-08-16 08:05 Annual report in danish 2018/2019 Annual report in danish 2018/2019

2019-07-28 08:10 New PCBA Order:
100pcs Light Control

2019-06-13 08:02 Some more PCBS:
Pump Control,
I2C Switch

2019-05-10 13:22 Mobile toilet light control.

2019-04-26 14:55 PCBA order 100pcs:
High Power Direction Light
Aluminum PCB
Production time 14 days and that includes AL PCB, Stencil, Component Sourcing, PCBA, Wires, Test, DHL

2019-04-25 08:27 Some more PCBS:
Motor Control,
Stock counter

2019-04-09 09:59 Some more PCBS:
Pump Control,
Light Control

2019-02-24 09:34 Some more PCBS:
Motor Control,

2019-02-04 09:10 Dual PCBA order 2x100pcs from china production time 14 days and that includes PCB, Stencil, Component Sourcing, PCBA, DHL

2019-02-03 09:19 I'm working on a Ver.3 of my brushless 3 phase Sine-wave motor controller.

2019-01-04 13:16 Another little CNC project

2019-01-03 10:19 My first large PCBA order 100pcs assembled in china production time 10 days and that includes PCB, Stencil, Component Sourcing, PCBA, DHL

It looks simple but it's like doing a mission to Mars, evrything have to be right:-)

2018-12-11 12:06 New version.

2018-11-29 12:04 I have found a new china firm like Digikey there can ship all you need in one box within 3days, for a 1/5 of the price.:-)

2018-11-19 12:07 CAN bus Ping Test
The bus is extremely reliable
8 devices returns 3 packets at the same time total 24 = 192 bytes.
no errors

2018-10-21 11:32 New Packaging box. New Packaging box.

2018-10-18 16:32 I/O over RS485, LoRa IF I/O over RS485,

2018-10-01 08:40 PCBS In yellow, new collor, I/O over Can Bus, LoRa IF PCBS In yellow, new collor:-:)
I/O over Can Bus,

2018-09-24 09:43 New Lamp assembled in China, it only took 10 days from payment to they shipped the product New Lamp assembled in China, it only took 10 days from payment to they shipped the product

2018-09-17 11:52 New Project I/O over Can Bus New Project I/O over Can Bus

2018-08-17 12:10 Annual report in danish 2016/2017 Annual report in danish 2017/2018

2018-08-16 12:01 GWM160 Replacement PCB 3-Phase 100A 60V GWM160 Replacement PCB
3-Phase 100A 60V

2018-07-12 09:28 Some more PCBS: GWM160 Replacement PCB, PWM Test PCB Some more PCBS:
GWM160 Replacement PCB,

2018-05-03 08:07 New Label 8 Relay Output it's draw in inkscape SVG Link
New Label 8 Relay Output
it's draw in Inkscape SVG

2018-04-16 10:00 My first advanced pcb assembled in china with china parts, it only took 6 years to figure out how to do it, The quality is in top and they work as predicted, Production time 14 days and that includes production of 2 transformers at a subcontractor :-) My first advanced pcb assembled in china with china parts, it only took 6 years and 20000 emails to figure out how to do it, The quality is in top and they work as predicted, Production time 14 days and that includes production of 2 transformers at a subcontractor :-)

2018-04-10 12:53 Some more PCBS: CO Sensor, Wireless pull switch Some more PCBS:
CO Sensor,
Wireless pull switch

2018-03-21 12:14 Have added a green status led, and ordered 10 samples from china, exciting to see if they can make it. Have added a green status led, and ordered 10 samples from china, exciting to see if they can make it.

2018-03-15 10:35 Some more PCBS: Garage Controll, Network interface added a LED Some more PCBS:
Garage Controll,
Network interface added a LED

2018-03-05 14:59 New network box 8 relay output with status led, controlled over MQTT, powered by POE. I'm working on
180pcs M216 Pull Switch

2018-01-26 10:02 New network box 8 relay output with status led, controlled over MQTT, powered by POE. New network box 8 relay output with status led, controlled over MQTT, powered by POE.

2018-01-24 11:18 3 new pcbs from left: 8 Relay Output, 8 Open Collector Output, Garage Controll. 3 new pcbs from left:
8 Relay Output,
8 Open Collector Output,
Garage Controll.

2018-01-23 10:25 Some more special connectors from my china dealer, low profile and terminal blocks. Some more special connectors from my china dealer, low profile and terminal blocks.

2018-01-04 10:41 6 PCBS for controlling a garage doore over wifi. 6 PCBS for controlling a garage doore over wifi.

2017-11-01 11:22 2 New PCBS, Dual order from china 4 days from order to i received them. :-) 2 New PCBS Dual order from china 4 days from order to i received them. :-)

2017-09-13 14:05 How to Blink an LED on Raspberry Pi 3 Node.js Doc
How to Blink an LED on Raspberry Pi 3 Node.js

2017-09-05 08:01 Annual report in danish 2016/2017 Annual report in danish 2016/2017

2017-08-21 09:00 New PCB for controlling a garage door over wifi mqtt New PCB for controlling a garage door over wifi mqtt

2017-07-08 11:39 I have added Bootloader to my LinkIO network interface, so the software can be updated over the network. Link
I have added Bootloader to my LinkIO network interface, so the software can be updated over the network.

2017-06-04 11:25 Connet MQTT Input(Button Australia) to an Output(Doorbell Denmark) In Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi Link
Connet MQTT
Input(Button Australia) to an
Output(Doorbell Denmark)
In Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi
Over amazon CloudMQTT

2017-05-18 08:44 Some reading, How an accounting system works. Doc
Some reading,
How an accounting system works.

2017-05-05 12:45 An updated version of the I2C I/O card in BLUE ENIG, from a new Chinese PCB manufacture. An updated version of the I2C I/O card in BLUE ENIG from a new Chinese PCB manufacture.

2017-04-07 15:17 How to Get Digikey Prices over Https SSL TLS1.2 Framework 2.0 Doc
How to Get Digikey Prices over Https SSL TLS1.2 Framework 2.0

2017-03-17 09:14 I changed the Count column to Qty. And Added Export to Html. Link
I changed the Count column to Qty. And Added Export to Html.

2017-02-06 07:48 I Have added setup of the part list view, so i can have different formats for each supplier. Link
I Have added setup of the part list view, so i can have different formats for each supplier.

2016-12-27 10:32 I'm working on a Battery Powered Sub 1GHz Transceiver Demo Board I'm working on a
Battery Powered
Sub 1GHz Transceiver
Demo Board

2016-11-30 08:30 I Have made 2 pcbs for Tunstall on one panel I Have made 2 pcbs for
Tunstall on one panel

2016-11-03 11:22 I have added MQTT protocol to my Ethernet I/O Box Link
I have added MQTT protocol to my Ethernet I/O Box
Control MQTT see

2016-10-27 09:10 Oxygen control Test Bench Oxygen control Test Bench

2016-09-05 09:35 I have found a chinese firm where i can buy all molex like connectors to 1/10 of the price. :-) I have found a chinese firm where i can buy all molex like connectors to 1/10 of the price. :-)

2016-08-29 08:55 I'm Working on my PLM / BOM Part list program, have added Product groups. Link
I'm Working on my PLM / BOM Part list program, have added Product groups.

2016-08-11 16:00 Annual report in danish 2015/2016 Annual report in danish 2015/2016

2016-07-08 20:02 An Updated version of the Can Bus Nurse call display unit, with a new display, present sensor and a better/cheaper power supply consumption 30mA @ 24V An Updated version of the
Can Bus / Lin Bus
Nurse call display unit,
with a new display, present sensor
and a better/cheaper power supply
consumption 30mA @ 24V

2016-06-29 07:09 Doc MC01 Demo Board Hollo World App Input PortB Output PortD Doc
MC01 Demo Board
Hollo World App
Input PortB Output PortD

2016-06-07 07:21 My first PCB Panel in red:-), from a new PCB manufacturer, from Left: 1.Meldco Demoboard. atmega88pb/atmega328pb, 2.New nurse call display unit., 3.Wireless Transceiver. My first PCB Panel in red:-),
from a new PCB manufacturer,
from Left:
1.Meldco Demoboard.
2.New nurse call display unit.
3.Wireless Transceiver.

2016-04-27 12:15 I have assembled 70 pcs M281 H-Stop Push Button. I have assembled 70 pcs
M281 H-Stop Push Button.

2016-04-26 16:00 I have engraved 70 pcs front plate for h-stop, what a mess :-) I have engraved 70 pcs front plate for h-stop, what a mess :-)

2016-04-13 10:11 2$ AVR ISP programmer.<br/>Solving AVRDUDE USBasp<br/>error signature 102. Doc
2$ AVR ISP programmer.
Solving AVRDUDE USBasp
error signature 102.

2016-04-07 11:50 Today I have serviced 4 DSSR116 Power Supplies for Energinet. it was a problem to get axial electrolytic capacitor, so I used a standing. Today I have serviced 4 DSSR116 Power Supplies for Energinet.
it was a problem to get axial electrolytic capacitor, so I used a standing.

2016-03-04 19:07 I have been testing the oxygen control at Jens-EMC. I have been testing the oxygen control at Jens-EMC.

2016-02-14 10:40 I'm working on version 2 of the oxygen measure instrumen. I'm working on version 2 of the oxygen measure instrumen.

2016-02-03 11:46 I'm working on a new order of 130pcs. M216 Fuga PullSwitch I'm working on a new order of 130pcs. M216 Fuga PullSwitch

2016-01-08 09:24 My partner Michael have made this ZigBee transceiver. My partner Michael have made this ZigBee transceiver.

2015-12-04 09:05 I have received the finished label for the I/O ethernet box and some other components from China. I have received the finished label for the I/O ethernet box and some other components from China.

2015-11-20 09:24 I'm working on a new setting tool for the network unit so all the settings can be done from one place. I'm working on a new setting tool for the network unit so all the settings can be done from one place.

2015-11-09 08:31 I have assembled the first prototype, 4 input / 4 open collector output I have assembled the first prototype, 4 input / 4 open collector output

2015-10-15 10:47 I have received my first components from Digi-Key in USA, I will use them as my main supply chain, so i easy can move my production.	it took 2 days to get this order. Over 340kr the shipping is free, the components are nicely packed :-). I like there open price policy. When a firm is import registered, it should not pay import vat, but if the package exceeds 1150kr it shall pay Customs. I have received my first components from Digi-Key in USA, I will use them as my main supply chain, so i easy can move my production. it took 2 days to get this order. Over 340kr the shipping is free, the components are nicely packed :-). I like there open price policy. When a firm is import registered, it should not pay import vat, but if the package exceeds 1150kr it shall pay Customs.

2015-10-08 10:52 I have assembled the first network card with poe, it works. I have assembled the first network card with poe, it works.

2015-10-03 08:52 I'm waiting for the first prototype

2015-09-15 11:30 I'm working on a network based input / output box I'm working on a network based input / output box

2015-08-23 11:09 Annual report in danish 2014/2015 Annual report in danish 2014/2015

2015-08-14 20:25 I have bought some electronics boxes from china, i will use one of them for my network interface. I have bought some electronics boxes from china, i will use one of them for my network interface.

2015-07-03 13:45 Door bell over the internet, you push the button in Australia, and the led lights up in Denmark :-) Door bell over the internet, you push the button in Australia, and the led lights up in Denmark :-)

2015-06-12 11:31 I have made this wall socket for LINDPRO I have made this wall socket for LINDPRO

2015-05-28 16:40 Web Server Led On/Off function, Running at POE.(Power Over Ethernet) Web Server Led On/Off function, Running at POE.
(Power Over Ethernet)

2015-05-27 16:16 And the Class1 3,84W POE supply works. And the Class1 3,84W POE supply works.

2015-05-18 12:05 I have been looking after a cheap alternative to national switching regulator, now i have found these to only 0,4$, a 0,5A and 1A version, input voltage 5V-35V, output voltage is set by a voltage divider, its running at 1Mhz so the inductor can be as small as 10uH. I have build these test circuits with 5V output. I have been looking after a cheap alternative to national switching regulator, now i have found these to only 0,4$, a 0,5A and 1A version, input voltage 5V-35V, output voltage is set by a voltage divider, its running at 1Mhz so the inductor can be as small as 10uH. I have build these test circuits with 5V output.

2015-04-05 10:15 The hardware for the network interface is working, i have made a software so i can ping it, i still need to test the POE power supply i'm waiting for a sample of the POE ic. The hardware for the network interface is working, i have made a software so i can ping it, i still need to test the POE power supply i'm waiting for a sample of the POE ic.

2015-03-24 07:49 New Fuga Hw Pull switch like K0153 New Fuga Hw Pull switch like K0153

2015-02-11 11:02 And a new version af the LIN Bus Pull switch / Push switch And a new version af the LIN Bus Pull switch / Push switch

2015-02-10 11:32 I'm working on a new version of the network interface with POE Class1. I'm working on a new version of the network interface with POE Class1.

2015-01-19 13:24 I have assembled version 1 of the new oxygen measure instrument, everything seems to work. :-) I have assembled version 1 of the new oxygen measure instrument, everything seems to work. :-)

2014-12-22 11:02 I'm working on my BOM program, i have added a column OrderInfo with multiple lines so i can have many supplier on each component, i want to add DigiKey order numbers so i can meet my chinese subcontractor requirements to a bom list. I'm working on my BOM program, i have added a column OrderInfo with multiple lines so i can have many supplier on each component, i want to add DigiKey order numbers so i can meet my chinese subcontractor requirements to a bom list.

2014-11-22 09:06 This week i have been working on a new oxygen measure instrument. This week i have been working on a new oxygen measure instrument.

2014-10-21 08:20 mcXLink, is a service for handling xml communication between applications, by lan socket. mcXLink, is a service for handling xml communication between applications, by lan socket.

2014-09-21 09:32 I'm working on a new web interface, for handling calls I'm working on a new web interface, for handling calls

2014-08-26 10:17 I'm playing with socket in Android Java, i have made a Tcp Client I'm playing with socket in Android Java, i have made a Tcp Client

2014-08-12 07:50 Annual report in danish 2013/2014 Annual report in danish 2013/2014

2014-07-13 09:42 I have added packet translation to my logging tool. I have added packet translation to my logging tool.

2014-07-07 12:34 I'm working on my demo suitcase. I will make a foam where i can place 12 units in. I'm working on my demo suitcase. I will make a foam where i can place 12 units in.

2014-06-06 13:08 I'm playing with the cnc maschinen, with my brother's daughter. :-) I'm playing with the cnc maschinen, with my brother's daughter. :-)

2014-06-04 09:12 I have found these metal contacts in china. I will try using them in a string/pull switch. I have found these metal contacts in china. I will try using them in a string/pull switch.

2014-05-20 16:34 I have produced 25 signs for a door telephone. I have produced 25 signs for a door telephone.

2014-05-17 08:10 I have received the new version of the red oled display from Truly in Hongkong, this version is with the new driver chip, this have a new scroll function i'm going to play with :-) I have received the new version of the red oled display from Truly in Hongkong, this version is with the new driver chip, this have a new scroll function i'm going to play with :-)

2014-05-16 08:04 I have drilled this test fixture in my CNC machine, it's for testing a positions module for a Dect phone. I have drilled this test fixture in my CNC machine, it's for testing a positions module for a Dect phone.

2014-05-01 10:18 This week i'm working on the canbus logger This week i'm working on the canbus logger

2014-04-16 09:26 Bootloader Protocol structure Doc
Bootloader Protocol structure

2014-03-28 08:01 This week i have been working on the nursecall setup tool This week i have been working on the nursecall setup tool

2014-03-24 11:23 Nurse call Protocol structure Doc
Nurse call Protocol structure

2014-03-11 10:51 And the front plate for the display / presence unit And the front plate for the display / presence unit

2014-03-10 08:28 I have made a cnc program and a frame where the frontplate fits in to. I have made a cnc program and a frame where the frontplate fits in to.

2014-02-28 09:06 The first frontplade samples from china, they are nice. The first frontplade samples from china, they are nice.

2014-02-20 10:38 This week i'm working on the transparent lid with a nurse their lights up, for the Lin Bus pull switch. I have a chinese firm on the case. This week i'm working on the transparent lid with a nurse their lights up, for the Lin Bus pull switch.
I have a chinese firm on the case.

2014-01-30 11:29 Result Cnc demo 200mm/min Result Cnc demo 200mm/min

2014-01-30 11:09 Cnc demo 200mm/min

2014-01-06 09:03 I have bought this carving cnc machine CNC3040, so i can do my cnc work myself. I just have to figure out how it works, but that's the fun part.. :-) I have bought this carving cnc machine CNC3040, so i can do my cnc work myself. I just have to figure out how it works, but that's the fun part.. :-)

2013-12-17 07:52 I have assembled version 2 of the Bosch oxygen sensor interface, now with Plugged vias. I have assembled version 2 of the Bosch oxygen sensor interface,
now with Plugged vias.

2013-12-12 10:18 I have built this test circuit for the MC34063 switch regulator input 10 to 40V, output 5V 300mA, the MC34063 is the cheapest switch regulate available, you can get it for under 1kr. all others cost about 10kr. The circuit works very well. I have built this test circuit for the MC34063 switch regulator input 10 to 40V, output 5V 300mA, the MC34063 is the cheapest switch regulate available, you can get it for under 1kr. all others cost about 10kr. The circuit works very well.

2013-11-29 08:44 This week i have been working on the LIN Bus Pull Switch, I'm still missing to designing a transparent lid with a nurse their lights up. This week i have been working on the LIN Bus Pull Switch, I'm still missing to designing a transparent lid with a nurse their lights up.

2013-11-26 09:20 I'm working on a new design with my brother's daughter. :-) I'm working on a new design with my brother's daughter. :-)

2013-10-31 09:16 This week i have been working on assembling / test of 5pcs amplifier for the new Bosch oxygen sensor. This week i have been working on assembling / test of 5pcs amplifier for the new Bosch oxygen sensor.

2013-10-08 11:07 This week i have been working on a amplifier for a new Bosch oxygen sensor. This week i have been working on a amplifier for a new Bosch oxygen sensor.

2013-10-08 11:07 Image of the finished LIN Bus Lamp Image of the finished LIN Bus Lamp

2013-10-01 11:42 I have received the finished PCB for the Lin Bus Lamp I have received the finished PCB for the Lin Bus Lamp

2013-09-17 10:01 Full demo

2013-09-10 12:44 First demo

2013-09-10 09:37 I have assembled the first prototype of the presence/display unit with the new pcb and it works. I have assembled the first prototype of the presence/display unit with the new pcb and it works.

2013-09-09 07:42 I have been working on a preliminary setting tool for my presence/display unit I have been working on a preliminary setting tool for my presence/display unit

2013-08-29 11:42 I have received the finished PCB for the presence/display unit I have received the finished PCB for the presence/display unit

2013-08-21 07:53 Annual report in danish 2012/2013 Annual report in danish 2012/2013

2013-07-01 09:10 Opus66 presence/display unit. So far i have written and tested the software for: 1. Can Bus Interface√ 2. Can Bootloader√ 3. Proximity sensor√ 4. 7 step pwm sound system√ 5. Oled display interface√ 6. Lin Bus Interface√ Status Opus66 presence/display unit.
So far i have written and tested the software for:
1. Can Bus Interface√
2. Can Bootloader√
3. Proximity sensor√
4. 7 step pwm sound system√
5. Oled display interface√
6. Lin Bus Interface√
The Hardware is now fully defined and testet. The next project will be to make one unit more and some units for the LIN Bus so i can write the call stack software.

2013-06-25 10:41 I'm fighting with a problem the I/O IC goes in to sleep mode and i can´t wake it.(I have fixed it☺) I have been working on the LIN bus interface for 2 weeks now and
i can only blink with a LED. I'm fighting with a problem the I/O IC
goes in to sleep mode and i can´t wake it. (I have fixed it☺)
I'm still not sure that it is the right device for the job.

2013-06-24 08:05 I have received the last 360pcs. I have received the last 360pcs.

2013-06-12 08:05 I have received the first assembled PCBs from China, they are exactly as I have described them. They have only mounted the SMD components and tested them.This is a sample shipment, I while get 360pcs later. I have received the first assembled PCBs from China, they are
exactly as I have described them.
They have only mounted the SMD components and tested them. This is a sample shipment, I while get 360pcs later.

2013-05-14 08:19 This is my first service tool for canbus When the bootloader is programmed in to the processor, it can program new software in a node with at specefik address and change the setting of the node there is placed 1000m away on the bus. This is my first service tool for canbus
When the bootloader is programmed in to the processor,
it can program new software in a node with at specefik address and
change the setting of the node there is placed 1000m away on the bus.

2013-05-08 11:59 In this week i am working on how to get PCBs assembled in china In this week i am working on
how to get PCBs assembled in china

2013-05-05 11:02 In this week i have made a differential amplifier / rectifier for triggering a scope when a fault condition happens In this week i have made a
differential amplifier / rectifier for triggering a scope
when a fault condition happens

2013-04-16 10:22 At the time being, I am working on mounting 400 pcs M106 HW Lamp. At the time being,
I am working on mounting
400 pcs M106 HW Lamp.

2013-02-28 08:22  I have received 3 pcs 1,58'' red oled they have a really good brightness at only 10mA. I have received 3 pcs 1,58" red oled
they have a really good brightness at only 10mA.

2013-02-22 10:12 This week i have been working on my website so i can access all my documentation and part lists from everywhere by a browser. This week i have been working on my website so i can access all my documentation and part lists
from everywhere by a browser.

2013-02-13 10:34 I have received 3pcs 180A 3 phase mosfet. For my 3 phase BLDC motor controll. I have received
3pcs 180A 3 phase mosfet.
For my 3 phase BLDC motor controll.

2013-01-22 11:06 I have recived LEDs from my chinese partner. The brightness is really good at 20mA I have recived LEDs from my chinese partner.
The brightness is really good at 20mA

2013-01-12 11:16 Now i have assembled the first model of my display. Double display, back against back. Now i have assembled the
first model of my display.
Double display, back against back.

2012-12-17 10:05 :-) :-)

2012-12-15 11:47 This week i am working on my Opus66 presence/display unit. So far i have written and tested the software for: 1. Can Bus Interface√ 2. Can Bootloader√ 3. Proximity sensor√ 4. 7 step pwm sound system√ 5. Oled display interface√ I will get the display in red later. The only thing i am missing to test is the Lin Bus Interface. This week i am working on my Opus66 presence/display unit.
So far i have written and tested the software for:
1. Can Bus Interface√
2. Can Bootloader√
3. Proximity sensor√
4. 7 step pwm sound system√
5. Oled display interface√
I will get the display in red later.
The only thing i am missing to test is the Lin Bus Interface.

2012-12-03 13:45 System layout Doc
System layout

2012-10-29 07:55 Picture of my first ethernet interface. Picture of my first ethernet interface.
I etched the 2 layer pcb myself, drilled it and solder vias in, before i mounted the components.

2012-10-25 10:16 Brainstorming at Brainstorming at

2012-10-17 08:37 This week I'm working on a can bus bootloader using atmel GCC bootloader protocol, to their atmega64M1 can processor. This week I'm working on a can bus bootloader using atmel GCC bootloader protocol, to their atmega64M1 can processor.

2012-09-21 08:07 In cooperation with i have made, the first draft of the display metal box. it looks very nice. In cooperation with i have made, the first draft of the display metal box. it looks very nice.

2012-09-03 13:21 This week's project 3 phase BLDC motor control This week's project 3 phase BLDC motor control

2012-08-14 13:39 Now i have received PCB for my Interface for LFH2210 Foot Control, I got them made in china. Now i have received PCB for my Interface for LFH2210 Foot Control, I got them made in china.

2012-07-30 07:51 My first prototype works, there are some minor details i need to adjust. My first prototype works, there are some minor details i need to adjust.

2012-07-09 11:56 Today I have repaired this Oxygen measurement equipment. Today I have repaired this Oxygen measurement equipment.

2012-06-25 13:09 Today I have repaired this 5V Power Supply for Energinet. Today I have repaired this 5V Power Supply for Energinet.

2012-06-20 08:13 Interface for Philips Foot Control LFH2210/00 Interface for Philips Foot Control LFH2210/00

2012-06-12 20:56 Today i received my first samples, from left PMMA colored glass, connectors from samtec, Network Processor from wiznet, Display from china. Today i received my first samples,
from left PMMA colored glass,
connectors from samtec,
Network Processor from wiznet,
Display from china.

2012-05-22 22:15 Anuther funny day at the office Anuther funny day at the office

2012-05-17 13:47 We have chosen e-conomic as our Accounting system, because it's easy to use and web based We have chosen e-conomic as our Accounting system,
because it's easy to use and web based

2012-05-16 14:38 Currently i am working on repairing 4 alarm units for a powerstation Currently i am working on repairing 4 alarm units for a powerstation

2012-05-15 13:01 Why does my logo look like that: it's the current in a coil, when adding a square pwm signal. delta I=U*t/L Why does my logo look like that:
it's the current in a coil, when adding a square pwm signal.
delta I=(U*t)/L
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